Canine Obedience Tips

Canine Obedience Tips

An obedient dog is the perfect pet companion we can have. There is a big feeling of communication between the owner and the dog, and the process of training your dog to be obedient is fun!  You can either teach canine obedience at home or attend a class to find the help of a professional instructor. Keep these canine obedience tips in mind when starting out:

Canine obedience starts by teaching your dog to walk on a leash. The majority of classes don’t move forward until your dog walks correctly – that is without pulling or lagging.  This is taught along with the command “heel!”.

Use a proper collar to train your dog.  First, you must ensure that it fits correctly to your dog’s neck, be sure that the material is comfortable and allows for easy pulling.  Some people use choke collars, but I prefer to stay away from them since hurting your dog is not the idea.

Make training fun.  Remember that both you and the dog participate in this activity, so avoid stress and set time aside to just relax and have fun while teaching your dog.

Don’t over-train your dog.  If you get too obsessed with canine obedience, you will be prone to burn-out your dog form too much training. The best is to keep a session per day of the amount of time the instructor recommends.

If you are learning how to train your dog by yourself, be sure to grab a book or DVD that can give you a better information on the subject.  This is to ensure you are doing the correct thing and keep your dog from acquiring bad habits.

If you are planning to attend a canine obedience class, follow a good recommendation and avoid classes that are too crowded.  They make the dog nervous and there are way less chances of getting individual attention from the instructor.

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