Aggression is as natural to a dog as howling. Aggressive genes are inherited character in some breeds. If your pet is bred to hunt, kill or guard fiercely, you won’t be able to change or remove that behavior regardless of efforts. Obviously, a crucial first step toward having a happy, gentle house pet is to bring home one of an amiable breed.
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Understanding The Causes Of Dog Aggression.
Even the most calm and gentle dog can turn aggressive under specific situations. Focusing on the cause of dog aggression is the key to dealing with it. Below are common causes:
1. Pain. This does not require an extensive discussion. Pain triggers irrational behavior.In the case of dogs, even the mildest pain can make them aggressive. Wanting to immediately remove what triggers pain is almost reflexive. When you’re feeling your dog up for broken bones after being run over by a truck, he’d definitely yelp, bite or growl aggressively when your fingers connect with a painful spot.
2. Fear. New situations, enivironment, places and even people stir fear in your dog. Afraid, a dog’s instinct for self-preservation shows itself through aggression. The most likely cause of uncalled for aggression displayed by some dogs toward other animals is lack of social skills. Sheltered dogs view new people or animals as threats.
3. Territorial Instinct. It is in a dog’s genetic makeup to be protective of themselves – their home, their pack and their offspring from outsiders. Anything your dog considers his, he won’t hesitate to attack to preserve it against strangers. This is the kind of aggression certain owners want of their dogs.
4.Dominance. This is the most common trigger of aggression in animals competing for a higher spot in their social order. This is often displayed by dogs who want to lead by nature.Sensing a leadership weakness, dogs instinctively vie to fill the role. Fights usually turn bloody for a leadership post. For the cohesiveness of the pack and survival of the species, this is necessary. Dominance aggression is nature’s way of helping the pack organize with authority.
Keeping Control.
Knowing these, do you not feel more ready to deal with dog aggression?
Don’t make his pain worse if he is clearly suffering; your dog won’t bite if you don’t worsen his pain.Assume the leadership role. Make sure your dog knows that and sees everyone in the family as being above him. Upholding this authority line early on ensures your dog obeys you and respects everyone in the family. If irrational fear is causing your dog to behave aggressively, address the fear.
Pain may be the easiest of the aggression triggers to deal with. Socialization and leadership address fear and dominance aggression. The best step is to commence as soon as you bring your new pet home. Aggression from adult dogs can be dangerous situations; seek professional help if needed.
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