Mama Dionne cannot hold a candle to the most ordinary dog. The ability of this animal to produce copious "bundles from heaven" surely is one of the many wonders of the world. Dogs have been known to give birth to as many as twenty-six pup­pies in a single litter. Be that as it may, most dog owners sooner or later will be faced with the problem of pregnancy in their pet. This problem should be met with pleasant anticipa­tion, for there is no reason why, on this account, the opera­tion of an efficient household should be even temporarily disrupted.
The average duration of pregnancy in the dog is from fifty-eight to sixty-five days, with most dogs giving birth on about the sixty-second day. During this period the vigorous animal usually thrives without any special change in its nor­mal routine and gives birth without any assistance. However, there are some principles and suggestions of which every con­scientious dog owner should be aware.

The animal should not be bred before it has reached full maturity, that is, not before it is about two years old. The narrowest margin of highest safety in breeding is between the ages of about two and seven years. Animals bred beyond these specified limits are much more prone to the various dis­ease conditions associated with pregnancy. Habitual breeders often may be bred safely after the age of seven because their constitutions have long become accustomed to the rigors of pregnancy. But with the ordinary house pet it is best to remain within the above mentioned range. This does not imply that animals cannot be bred without danger before the age of two or over the age of seven. Breeding is often accom­plished beyond this range with perfectly good results. But the range mentioned is still about the safest for the ordinary house dog.

Female dogs come into heat twice a year, for periods of ap­proximately three weeks. The heat period is easily recognized by the obvious enlargement of the external female organs and the persistent discharge of a variable amount of blood. Meti­culous animals constantly clean themselves during this per­iod, so that often no blood is apparent. But the owner will rarely overlook the enlargement of the female organs. Dur­ing this period dogs also show a certain amount of restless­ness and increase in appetite.

The female in heat will most likely accept the male dog during the second week of the heat period. Matings toward the latter part of this week are most likely to result in preg­nancy. This means that the best mating time is from about the tenth to the fifteenth day of the heat period.

The male dog has certain peculiar structural characteris­tics that are related to copulation. There is a bone in the penis of male dogs that assists the animal in achieving and main­taining an erection. There is a so-called "bulb" in the male penis, which after entrance into the female swells enormously and causes these animals to be "locked" together after emis­sion occurs. There is no pain or danger associated with this "locking." Usually it lasts from a few minutes to a few hours, with the average time being about twenty minutes. The owner should not interfere at this point, but allow nature to take its course. Veterinary intervention is rarely necessary.

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